Prophet Stories ISA / JESUS (AS) | Islamic Cartoon | Quran Stories | Islamic Children Videos – Ep 31

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Prophet Stories

Prophet Stories ISA / JESUS (AS) | Islamic Cartoon | Quran Stories | Islamic Children Videos – Ep 31

Certainly! In Islam, Isa (Jesus) is regarded as one of the greatest prophets, known for his miraculous birth, his teachings, and his role in spreading the message of monotheism. Here’s a brief overview of some key aspects of the story of Prophet Isa (AS) in Islam:

  1. Miraculous Birth: According to Islamic tradition, Isa (AS) was born to Maryam (Mary), a devout and pious woman. His birth is considered miraculous because Maryam conceived him without a father, through the divine intervention of Allah.
  2. Prophethood: Isa (AS) was chosen as a prophet by Allah and was sent to the Children of Israel to call them to the worship of Allah alone and to uphold the teachings of the Torah. He performed various miracles throughout his life, including healing the sick, giving sight to the blind, and raising the dead, all with the permission of Allah.
  3. Message of Monotheism: Like other prophets in Islam, Isa (AS) emphasized the worship of one God (Allah) and the importance of living a righteous life. He taught love, compassion, and forgiveness to his followers.
  4. Opposition and Persecution: Isa (AS) faced opposition from some of the religious authorities of his time who were threatened by his teachings. Despite their efforts to discredit him, Isa (AS) continued to spread his message of monotheism and compassion.
  5. Ascension: In Islamic belief, Isa (AS) was not crucified, as some Christian traditions hold. Instead, Allah raised him up to the heavens, where he remains alive. Muslims believe that Isa (AS) will return to Earth before the Day of Judgment to defeat the false messiah (Dajjal) and establish justice and peace.

The story of Prophet Isa (AS) is one of significance and reverence in Islam, emphasizing the importance of faith, perseverance, and adherence to the teachings of monotheism. It serves as a source of inspiration and guidance for Muslims around the world.

Isa (Jesus), peace be upon him, is an important prophet in Islam, recognized as one of the great messengers of God. The Quran mentions him frequently, and there are several stories about him in Islamic tradition. Here are some key aspects of the story of Isa (AS) in Islam:

  1. Birth of Isa (AS): The Quran describes the miraculous birth of Isa (AS) to Maryam (Mary), a chaste and devout woman who was visited by the angel Jibreel (Gabriel). Isa (AS) is born without a father, and Maryam (AS) is honored as a pious woman.
  2. Proclamation of Prophethood: In Islamic tradition, Isa (AS) begins his prophetic mission later in life, performing miracles such as healing the sick, giving sight to the blind, and even raising the dead by the permission of God.
  3. Teachings of Isa (AS): Isa (AS) teaches monotheism (belief in the oneness of God), righteousness, and compassion. He emphasizes the importance of worshiping God alone and living a life of moral uprightness.
  4. Opposition and Miracles: Isa (AS) faces opposition from some religious leaders of his time, who reject his message. Despite this, he continues to perform miracles to demonstrate the truth of his prophethood and the power of God.
  5. The Last Supper: Islamic tradition mentions a version of the Last Supper, where Isa (AS) gathers his disciples and informs them that one of them will betray him. This event is similar to the Christian narrative but with some differences in interpretation.
  6. Crucifixion: In Islam, there are varying interpretations regarding the crucifixion of Isa (AS). Some interpretations suggest that Isa (AS) was not crucified but was raised to the heavens by God, while others believe that Isa (AS) was indeed crucified but was not killed; instead, God saved him from death.
  7. Second Coming: Islamic tradition holds that Isa (AS) will return to Earth in the end times as a just ruler and leader, establishing peace and justice before the Day of Judgment.

These are some of the key elements of the story of Isa (AS) in Islam. His story is cherished by Muslims worldwide, and his teachings continue to inspire faith and devotion.

Sure, I can provide you with a brief overview of the story of Prophet Isa (Jesus) as it is presented in Islamic tradition.

In Islam, Prophet Isa (Jesus) is considered one of the major prophets, revered for his miracles and teachings. His story is mentioned in various chapters of the Quran, primarily in Surah Al-Imran (Chapter 3) and Surah Maryam (Chapter 19).

According to Islamic belief, Isa (Jesus) was born to the Virgin Maryam (Mary) through a miraculous conception by the will of Allah (God). His birth is considered one of the greatest miracles in Islamic tradition.

Isa (Jesus) is also known for his miracles, which include healing the sick, raising the dead, and speaking as an infant in the cradle to defend his mother’s honor. However, unlike in some Christian traditions, Islam does not believe that Isa (Jesus) is the son of God, but rather a prophet and messenger of Allah.

Islamic teachings also emphasize Isa’s role as a messenger sent to the Children of Israel (Bani Israel) to invite them to worship Allah alone and to follow the previous teachings of the Torah. Isa (Jesus) is also believed to have foretold the coming of the final prophet, Muhammad (peace be upon him).

According to Islamic belief, Isa (Jesus) was not crucified but was instead raised up to the heavens by Allah. He will return to Earth before the Day of Judgment as a sign of the end times, to defeat the false messiah (Dajjal) and establish justice and peace.

Overall, the story of Prophet Isa (Jesus) in Islam carries profound moral and spiritual lessons, emphasizing faith, compassion, and the importance of submission to the will of Allah.

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